Archival source Max Beckmann Papers: Correspondance 1922‐1948 und Notebook 1934‐1948. Permanent URL last updated 30.07.2020 Show sources Hide sources Basic Information Basic Information Group of reported objects Teilbestand Description Max Beckmann Papers: Correspondance 1922‐1948 und Notebook 1934‐1948. Network Network Person/Corporate bodies Aufbewahrende Institution Show sources Archives of American Art Research reports The liquidation of Galerie Alfred Flechtheim GmbH and its consequences. Basic…14.04.2016 Verweist auf Show sources Beckmann, Max Research reports The liquidation of Galerie Alfred Flechtheim GmbH and its consequences. Basic…14.04.2016 References References Research projects Project reference The liquidation of Galerie Alfred Flechtheim GmbH and its consequences. Basic research into the trade in artworks confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution by Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf, and Galerie Buchholz, Berlin Project reference Provenienzbericht zu Beckmann, Zandvoort Strandcafé, Lost Art-ID: 478550