Archival source Neun Kisten mit Schriftverkehr Permanent URL last updated 30.07.2020 Show sources Hide sources Basic Information Basic Information Group of reported objects Teilbestand Description Kisten mit Schriftverkehr aus den Jahren 1933 (A-Z), 1934 (H-Q), 1935 (H-Q), 1935 (R-Z), 1936 (I-R), 1937 (A-K), 1938 (I-R), 1939 (R-Z) und 1940 (A-Z). Accession number 1933 A-Z1934 H-Q1935 H-Q1935 R-Z1936 I-R1937 A-K1938 I-R1939 R-Z1940 A-Z Network Network Person/Corporate bodies Verweist auf Show sources Märkisches Museum Berlin Research reports Provenance research in the holdings of the applied arts collection, especially…02.01.2013 References References Research projects Project reference Provenance research in the holdings of the applied arts collection, especially evidence of Berlin’s silversmith crafts and of the former Märkisches Museum in the Stadtmuseum Berlin