Monograph Lillteicher: Raub, Recht und Restitution, 2007. Permanent URL last updated 23.01.2023 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Literaturangabe Jürgen Lillteicher: Raub, Recht und Restitution. Die Rückerstattung jüdischen Eigentums in der frühen Bundesrepublik, (Moderne Zeit, Bd. 15., teilw. zugl.: Freiburg, Univ., Diss., 2002), Göttingen 2007. Publikationssprache German References References Forschungsprojekte Project reference Acquisitions made by the Deutsches Ledermuseum Offenbach in 1933–1945 Project reference Nazi-confiscated property in the IGdJ library Project reference Structured investigation of the Municipal Collection holdings for masterpieces confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution, particularly in the years 1941 to 1945 Project reference Provenance research into acquisitions at the Museumsberg Flensburg after 1933