Person Gehrels, Hans male Permanent URL last updated 25.05.2021 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Ortsbezug Wohnort Show sources Deutschland, Oldenburg, Hindenburgstr. 43 Getty, GeoNames Research reports Paintings, sculptures, “Hollandmöbel”. Provenance research at Oldenburg State…24.03.2016 Area of activity Area of activity Handel Show sources Kaufmann Research reports Paintings, sculptures, “Hollandmöbel”. Provenance research at Oldenburg State…24.03.2016 Network Network Personen/Körperschaften Kontakt Show sources Relevanter Kontakt des Kunsthandels mit dem Landesmuseum Oldenburg (LMO). Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg Research reports Paintings, sculptures, “Hollandmöbel”. Provenance research at Oldenburg State…24.03.2016 References References Forschungsprojekte Project reference Paintings, sculptures, “Hollandmöbel”. Provenance research at Oldenburg State Museum for Art and Cultural History