Person Pletsch, Hildegard female Permanent URL last updated 25.05.2021 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Ortsbezug Wohnort Show sources Deutschland, Palais Papius, Wetzlar(seit 1976) Getty, GeoNames Research reports Investigation of the Provenance of Two Works from the Lemmers-Danforth…11.05.2016 Family relations Family relations Lebensgefährte/in Show sources Lemmers-Danforth, Irmgard Projektbericht Investigation of the Provenance of Two Works from the Lemmers-Danforth…11.05.2016 Network Network Sammlungen Erbe Show sources Hildegard Pletsch ist Vorerbin der Sammlung Lemmers-Danforth. Sammlung Irmgard Lemmers-Danforth Research reports Investigation of the Provenance of Two Works from the Lemmers-Danforth…11.05.2016 References References Forschungsprojekte Project reference Investigation of the Provenance of Two Works from the Lemmers-Danforth Collection: Table Clock in the Form of an Elephant, Game Table of Diane de Portiers