Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Autogramm Hannah Vogt Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark autograph Keywords SammlungBibliothekNS-Verfolgter/NS-Verfolgtepolitisch verfolgt
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Theosophische Gesellschaft Eibau Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords BibliothekSammlungNS-Verfolgter/NS-Verfolgte
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel der Loge 'Zur Akazie' in Meißen Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords Freimaurerei
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Grafikstempel (auch auf Postkarten) Karl Steinacker Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords Sammlung
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Bücherstempel Karl Steinacker Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords SammlungBibliothek
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Bücherstempel Steinacker Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords BibliothekSammlung
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Otto Brill Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords SammlungSammler/SammlerinJüdische:r Sammler:inKunstsammler/Kunstsammlerin
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stamp "Kunsthistorisches Institut Paris" (triple-spaced) Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords BibliothekNS-Organisation
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stamp "Kunsthistorisches Institut Paris" (round) Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords BibliothekNS-Organisation
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stamp "Kunsthistorische Forschungsstätte Paris" Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords BibliothekNS-Organisation
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Exlibris Isac Leo Seeligmann Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark bookplates ca. 1930-1941 Keywords NS-Verfolgter/NS-Verfolgte
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Exlibris Bibliothek Leopold Scheyer Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark bookplates Keywords NS-Verfolgter/NS-VerfolgteJude/Jüdin
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Rundstempel Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Reichskanzlei Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords NS-Organisation
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Exlibris Erich Wechselmann Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark bookplates Keywords NS-Verfolgter/NS-VerfolgteJüdische:r Sammler:inBibliothekSammler/Sammlerin
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Veitel-Heine-Ephraimsche Lehranstalt Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps ca. 1860-1934 Keywords NS-Verfolgter/NS-VerfolgteJude/Jüdin
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Ernst Jung, Berlin Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords Sammler/SammlerinBibliothek
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Blindstempel Veitel-Heine-Ephraimsche Lehranstalt Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords NS-Verfolgter/NS-VerfolgteJude/JüdinBibliothek
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Visitenkarte Isaak Benrubi Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark Einlage: Zettel Keywords Sammler/Sammlerin
Forschungskontext Cultural goods confiscated as a result of Nazi persecution Stempel Königlich Preußisches Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Domänen und Forsten Provenance mark, Type of provenance mark stamps Keywords Sammler/Sammlerin