Essay Erichsen: Forced Labour in the concentration camp on Shark Island, 2008. Permanent URL last updated 28.04.2023 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Bibliographical reference Casper Wolffe Erichsen: Forced Labour in the concentration camp on Shark Island, in:Jürgen Zimmerer, Joachim Zeller (Hg.): Genocide in German South-West Africa. The Colonial War (1904 - 1908) in Namibia and its aftermath, Monmouth 2008, S. 84-99. Language of publication English Network Network Events Wird angeführt in Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika/Namibia References References Research projects Project reference Research into the provenance of two human laryngeal specimens in the Lautarchiv (Sound Archives) of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Project reference Herero skull of the Bürgel Memorial Potsdam Literatur & digital content Wird angeführt in Zimmerer u.a. (Hg.): Genocide in German South-West Africa, 2008.