Monograph Pretzell: Das Kunstgutlager Schloss Celle 1945 bis 1958, 1959. Permanent URL last updated 23.01.2023 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Bibliographical reference Lothar Pretzell: Das Kunstgutlager Schloss Celle 1945 bis 1958, Celle 1959. Language of publication German Network Network Person/Corporate bodies Verweist auf Kunstgutlager Celle Verfasser/in Pretzell, Lothar References References Research projects Project reference Provenance research in the context of compiling an inventory catalog of German drawings from 1800–1850 in the Kupferstichkabinett of the Hamburger Kunsthalle Project reference In-depth provenance research on works by Karl Hagemeister and Theodor Hosemann, including those at Stadtmuseum Brandenburg/Havel—Museum im Frey-Haus