Person Auerbach, Elise female Permanent URL last updated 30.07.2020 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Geburtsname Show sources Treitel, Elise Research reports Research into the former owners of Nazi-confiscated property16.02.2012 Ortsbezug Emigrationsort Show sources (1939) Getty Research reports Research into the former owners of Nazi-confiscated property16.02.2012 Family relations Family relations Ehefrau von Show sources Auerbach, Eugen Berthold Projektbericht Research into the former owners of Nazi-confiscated property16.02.2012 Mutter von Show sources Auerbach, Kurt Projektbericht Research into the former owners of Nazi-confiscated property16.02.2012 References References Forschungsprojekte Project reference Research into the former owners of Nazi-confiscated property