Person Kahn, Louise female Permanent URL last updated 25.05.2021 Show sources Hide sources Basic information Basic information Lifetime Show sources -1934(Geburtsdatum unbekannt) Research reports Systematic investigation of holdings in the departments of painting and…29.10.2015 Ortsbezug Wohnort Show sources Deutschland, Mannheim, Werderplatz 12 (Villa)(seit 1902) Getty, GeoNames Research reports Systematic investigation of holdings in the departments of painting and…29.10.2015 Family relations Family relations Ehefrau von Show sources Bensinger, Adolf Projektbericht Systematic investigation of holdings in the departments of painting and…29.10.2015 Biographical details Biographical details Familiäres Ereignis:Louise Kahn stammte gebürtig aus dem Mannheimer Zweig der Bankiersfamilie Kahn in Frankfurt. References References Forschungsprojekte Project reference Systematic investigation of holdings in the departments of painting and sculpture at Kunsthalle Mannheim