Die globalen Handelsnetzwerke der Alfelder Tierhandelunternehmen Reiche und Ruhe [...]
The project focuses on the animals and ethnographica that were circulated in the 19th and 20th centuries by the animal trading companies of Carl Reiche and Ludwig Ruhe, which operated internationally from Alfeld. The aim is to trace the global routes and networks through which zoologica as well as ethnographica, and with them sometimes people, reached various places and institutions in Europe. Using a global micro-history approach, the project is set to highlight the global entanglements of this trade with animals (and also humans) that was situated in Alfeld. It further researches the largely unexplored connections of collector and trade networks of zoologica as well as their correlation with ethnographica and so-called "Völkerschauen" („human zoos“).
(c) Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte am Seminar für Geschichte der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Basic information
Research report and other sources
Proveana does currently not hold a research report. This can have different reasons. If you have any questions, please contact us at proveana@kulturgutverluste.de